Hello everyone . We are almost at the end of summer season , we opened a new audition for singers , rappers , dancers , songwritters and producers . The steps for the audition are very simple .

All you have to do is : First of all we would like you to understand that we are an online music company  What does that mean ? All the work we'll do it will be online , all the training , music videos everything . After that we would like you to read our contract , you can find it in our blog at the very top , If you agree with the contract you are ready to audition . If you don't like a rule that the contract has or you disagree , we would like to know . When you have your audio or video ready ( For rap , singing or dancing ) or your demo of your work ( For songwritters and producers ) You can send us an email with some information about you and you audition . The information you have to send us are very simple : 

Birth name :
Stage name :
Birthday: (full date)
Gender :
Height :
Talent :
Picture of you or faceclaim :
Why would you like to audition for our company ? : (Not required )
Possible Launguages :
Speciality : (Not required ) 
A few words about you : 

That was it , the informa3tion you will need to give if you would like to be a trainee and later an online idol 

If you would like to apply as a Songwritter or a Producer , You will need to fill the form bellow 

Birth Name :
Artist Name :
Birthday :
Nationality :
Music Gender :
Speciality :
Demo with your work : 
Possible Languages :
*A photo of you or a faceclaim :

And that is all you got to do !!

*The picture of you or your faceclaim will be used as an introduction post .